The Courier
A Look inside Cabot Cove of Largo Assisted Living & Integrated Memory Care Community
Happy Birthday!
On behalf of Cabot Cove & your Covian Family, we wish you all a happy birthday to Yvonne S., Joan B., Lois T., and Suzanne F.! We hope your day is filled with lots of love, laughter, & fun. May all your wishes come true!
August Birthdays
In astrology, those born from August 1–22 are Leo’s Lions. As lions are kings of the animals, Leos are strong and charismatic leaders. Proud and confident, Leos enjoy performing and the attention it brings. Those born from August 23–31 are Virgo’s Virgins. Often symbolized by the goddess of agriculture, Virgos are deeply connected to the material world. They are logical, practical, and aware of every detail.
Happy birthday!

August 4th – Yvonne S. — August 14th – Lois T.
August 16th – Suzanne F. — August 31st – Joan B.
Covian Fun!
At Cabot Cove, we strive to keep our residents healthy & happy through daily activities. The month of August will be filled with new & exciting ventures for our residents to try! Join us for live entertainment every Thursday at 3:00 pm. We have a variety of performers scheduled that are sure to captivate everyone.
Bingo always draws a big crowd!

Walter, Micki & Barbara enjoying Happy Hour!
Out on the town!
We recently enjoyed lunch at Finley’s Irish Pub & Eatery, a favorite spot for our residents. They have a great selection of delicious food and amazing prices! We can’t wait to go again!
We want to say “thank you” to our new activity director Tumekia for taking the residents out for lunch. We all had a great time!

Enjoying lunch with friends!

Mary had a great time with her daughters!
I Love Lucy!

Happiness Happens Month
Root Beer Float Day
August 6
Purple Heart Day
August 7
Health Chat with Misty
August 9
Lunch at Fat Cat Tavern
August 16
Picnic at Largo Central Park
August 23
August Birthday Party with Craig
August 31