The Courier
A Look inside Cabot Cove of Largo Assisted Living & Integrated Memory Care Community
Fabulous Easter Party with Victoria!
Cabot Cove put on a fabulous Easter party with the beautiful and talented Victoria Garcia on the harp. She has been coming to Cabot Cove for over a year; she joins us the first Thursday of every month. We welcomed family and friends to come and enjoy her beautiful playing. Victoria blessed and entertained us with Easter music and stories that had everyone mesmerized! We served up cupcakes, eclairs, white chocolate covered pretzels, along with Debbie’s famous punch. Everyone had so much fun with the bunny props too! On Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny made a surprise visit and gave the residents a bag of goodies, Easter cards and a great big hello!
We always enjoy listening to Victoria play!

Barbara & Louise loving the bunny ears!

Micki and Edna always so happy to join the fun!

Micki and Edna always so happy to join the fun!

Rose, Easter Bunny and Louise posing for the camera on Easter Sunday after eating a delicious Ham dinner!
Staying Fit and Having Fun!
Are you looking for a fun way to stay fit, be healthy, and achieve some fitness goals? Well look no further than Cabot Cove’s exclusive exercise program, not only will you feel great, you will have the best time working out with your friends. With an exercise program offered six days a week you will be on your way to an active Covian lifestyle in no time. Armed with a smile, and a can-do attitude, Walter partakes in our Sit-nFit exercise class every day. Keep it up Walter, you are fierce! Who knows, maybe a Zumba class might be in order? Do you have any favorite exercise routines you enjoy? We would love to hear your ideas at the next class. Let’s all get physical! Cabot will show you just what you can accomplish, and join in the good times and laughter along the way. You are all spectacular, and can do anything! EmpowerMe Wellness will be joining us after exercise on May 3rd to tell us all about their program and teach us about proper posture! Be sure to come and enjoy coffee & donuts with them at 10:30 am.
Fishing at Sand Key Park
It was a beautiful day for fishing! Micki, Edna, Jerry, Louise, Rose and Julie had a great time out at the Gulf of Mexico hoping to catch the big one. Unfortunately we were feeding more fish than catching them! The sun was shining and the temperatures were perfect. The only thing biting were the little pin fish. Edna had never been fishing before and she reeled in the most fish! Congratulations Edna! Her grandson and his family came out to help. Micki’s son also came and helped us cast the line and fix the tangled lines! Thank you Richard! Sheryl, our care giver also came to fish and help out. A big thank you to Aravilla Clearwater for allowing us to use their transport bus! We all had a great time and look forward to our next fishing trip. We encourage family and friends to come and have fun with us! We enjoy an active lifestyle at Cabot Cove!
Louise catching a Pin Fish!
Way to go Louise!

Jerry being very patient waiting for the big one!
Edna with her second Pin Fish catch of the day!
Cinco De Mayo Party
May 5th @ 2:30 pm
Mother’s Day Luncheon
May 12th @ 12:00
May Birthday Party w/ Cruiser
May 25th @ 3:00pm
Resident Council Meeting
May 18th @ 10:30am
Music w/ Mike Belton
May 16th @ 2:00 pm